A Collection of Historical and Contemporary Photographs
Ron Greene
Visas For Life: The Remarkable Story of Chiune and Yukiko Sugihara
World War II tested the courage of many diplomats in positions to save innocent people from slaughter. Only a few measured up. There was Aristedes de Sousa Mendes. He sacrificed his career as Portuguese Consul General in Bordeaux, France, when he saved thousands of people fleeing the Nazis. There was Raoul Wallenberg, Swedish Diplomat in Budapest, Hungry. After saving thousands of Hungarian Jews he mysteriously disappeared into Russia. And there was Japanese Deputy Consul General Chuine Sugihara and his wife, Yukiko. Answering their consciences, these Portuguese, Swedish, and Japanese diplomats rescued more than 150,000 Jews and other refugees from the Holocaust.
The following photographs and text are a sampling of the exhibit Visas For Life --The Remarkable Story of Chiune and Yukiko Sugihara, first shown at the Simon Wiesenthal Museum of Tolerance in Los Angeles in 1995.The exhibit was produced by Mr. Eric Saul of San Francisco.
Visa For Life is the story of a Japanese diplomat and his wife who, when confronted with evil, obeyed their hearts and conscience in defiance of an indifferent government. In the summer of 1940, the Sugihara family risked their careers and futures to save the lives of more than 6,000 Jews fleeing Hitler's killing machine.
link is one of many excellent collections of information about the Holocaust.
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Ron Greene
Copyright © 1995-2001Ron Greene
Death March photographs by Ron Greene. All rights reserved.
Sugihara photographs are the property of the Sugihara Family Trust and the Visas For Life Foundation. No reproduction without permission.
Revised: August 20, 2001