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Visitor's Comments:Date: Fri, 04 Jul 1997From Don Higgins: dsh@mfltd.co.uk Every time I read an article or see a movie such as Schindler's List recounting just a little of the horror, it brings tears to my eyes and sends a chill I can't control. There are no words to describe such feelings. I can only barely imagine the emotions that would flow attending a 50 year reunion of survivors. I do pray that our world does learn from the experience and can focus our energy toward world peace, understanding, and love for one another. Date: Sat, 28 Jun 1997From Christopher Hoffman: Christopher27@webtv.net I am of German desent. Although I did not yet walk the Earth, at the time of the Holocaust, I, as well as many Germans, feel the pain and outrage associated with those times. I cannot say what I would have done had I been in German society during those years. I do not know whether I would have embraced the Nazi ideology or forsaken it. I have one advantage not afforded to my family, during the time they were in Germany. Also, I dare say, I have one advantage not known to the Jews who were living in Europe at that time. I know the result of Hitler's folley. As do the rest of the world who condemn Germany and all things German to this day. It is horrific that so many were murdered during the Holocaust. What is more horrific is that we, human beings, are all subject to the same persecutions which took place during that time. Whether it be Christians during the days of Rome, Jews during the Nazi regime or, the events which are taking place in Slovenia at the present time. Any peple who classifies themselves as a group are subject all to persecutions by another group. Shakesphere said it better than ever I can when he wrote "What is past is prologue" The past is being repeated everyday in every part of the world. I am a human being above all others. I belong to no group nor religion. I attempt, sometimes futilly, not to judge others and I resist being judged. However, for the sake of all members of the human race I ask that you no longer classify the Holocaust as being a "German" or Nazi" period. It is a period or guilt to be shared with all humans on the planet. Even the Jews are at fault for the role they played. I show as evidence the Kappos, who ran the camps and who historically killed as many Jews as the SS guards. I also bring to light, for any debate, the fact that millions went peacablly to their deaths. If I were slated to die i would prefer to that it be fighting. Not, cowering into a grave which I had myself dug. It is a shame that history is so often wrote solely by the victors. It would be interesting to note the observations held by those who felt the way I do and were unfortunate enough to be on the wrong side.. I welcome any comment you may have. I ask that you consider my remarks just as they are written. I went through great pains not to leave any question as to their origin. Thank You. Date: Thu, 26 Jun 1997From: mebetanc@prtc.net It's the first time that I use this method to express my point of view,thanks to the Internet. I was a teenager when I first heard about the Holacaust. I was already living in the United States and I will sadly say that during my years of schooling in Puerto Rico (at least at that time) this was not taught. It shocked me to think that a human (if they could be call that, personally I don't think so) could commit such hideous crimes. Later I went to Germany with my husband who served in the US Army. During my stay I visited Dachau and the experince will never leave my memory. I felt so moved by this that I didn't even dared to take pictures of this place. I felt their pain, I cried the tears and I understood the continuos effort that the survivors and relatives of those who were massacred in this places live day by day while they try to make a clear understanding to the world in a deep from the soul scream "Remember this so it could not ever be repeatd again" That is all they want. I'm more than sure that they do not think they were the only ones that suffered a hideous crime, but this one only happened to them. Thanks to many other literatures like Never More and Shindler's List I'm more aware of this injustice. My only final words are; Continue with this legacy ( not a nice one, but a proud to defend one), let the world know that there are sick minds among us, prevent this from happening, for yours and our children sake. I taught my children about it because I didn't want them to find out late or the wrong way. Congratulations!!! Date: Tue, 24 Jun 1997From Ken Lewis: kenlewis@ptialaska.net I love history .. and appreciated your site .. My concerns about exploiting horrible historic realties such as this one, lessens others !! Why do we not pound the facts about IDI AMIN'S terror less than two decades ago? Is it because he was black and so were his victims?? Minority status allows the last word,, in this politically correct America of ours. It also allows the teaching of history to hold to the lite only those events that best make a case ,,, WAR IS HORRID NO MATTER WHO's. Thanks!! Date: Thu, 12 Jun 1997From: Pab368@aol.com you losers, and all you jews have no idea why Hitler did any of that crap. he was just cleaning up the planet and he should have finished instead of commiting suicide like a weak little jew. Date: Wed, 11 Jun 1997From B. ZERINGUE: RIV138@aol.com I SALUTE ALL THE DANISH CITIZENS THAT ACTED ON BEHALF OF THE HUMAN BEINGS THAT WERE THREATENED WITH EXTINCTION IN WW2. IN THE BIBLE GOD SAYS ITS NOT THE HEARERS OF THE WORD BUT THE DOERS OF THE WORD THAT ARE REWARDED. GOD BLESS ALL OF YOU AND BE WITH YOU IN THIS AND THE LIFE TO COME. Date: Sun, 30 Jun 96From EDDIE DOVER: ED1059@msn.com What a touching subject (Knud Dyby). This reminds me of the sorrowful state of the earth we live upon. You mention in your article that the resistance could have been greater. That is true, but is it not true that the poor spiritual guidance of mankind was demonstrated by the fact that the same groups that might have been helpful were themselves busy slaughtering one another of like faith. Is it not true that the major people engaged were themselves church goers. How poorly man has understand the relationship of each one of us. This of course is the result of the rejection of the pure standards of righteousness outlined by God in his Word. All Jewish people should focus or their ancestor Abraham as an example of total faith and trust in his God. May I express to you that the events you portray are the most shameful in the history of the world and should never be forgotten. The question is though, has the world learned a lesson? I think not, because the same miserable spiritual training that produced the world of the 40's is still entrenched today. People after all do copy and reflect their gods. How could a god who delights in the torture of someone for eternity not produce offspring like himself. Fortunate for you and I, Abraham's God was not their god. Thank you for the fine work, and may you enjoy rich blessings. Date: Wed, 4 Jun 1997From: Pab368@aol.com I think that this web-site judged Hitler and his Nazi party without really looking at it from thier point of view. The Nazi solders were simply doing thier jobs, Hitler in his mind was simply tring to clean up his planet. Date: Tue, 03 Jun 1997From Lauren Wiley, Pellston Public Schools - Pellston, Michigan USA: lwiley@icebox.k12.mi.us I am only 13 years old, and very new to this whole Nazi-Jew thing. I knew Jews were killed, but I had no idea it was this extensive. I am searching for torture methods used during the Holocaust, for a Language Arts class I am taking. I have plenty of information, but there is still one thing missing. Dr. Mengela, is known for torturing Jews, using only the most discusting ways. I need to know more about Dr. Mengela. I wish I was alive back then, just to experience the horror, to know the great sacrifices Jews made to go into hiding to escape the Gestapo. I feel learning about the Holocaust is a major issue, over six million Jews were murdered and people should know just how brutal it was. This story should be told. Thank you. Date:Thu, 29 May 1997From RoxburyTwp.School District: lr008@roxbury.org I think this was a very sad time for all of the people in concentration camps. I also have to say that Hitler and the Nazis are mean for doing that. Date: Mon, 26 May 1997From Phillip Randall Nielsen: nielsen4@worldnet.att.net I am glad to see this information presented this way, I hope the world will remember, and never forget that the wholesale slaughter of ANY people is wrong ! That only by remembering and eternal vigilance, will stories such as these stop! I think often of the innocent people who died, the children, the old people, all innocent ! May God Bless all of the people who endured the holocaust. I for one will NEVER forget. Date: Thu, 29 May 1997From: gunsmoke@bellatlantic.net I think that the holocaust was the worst war because I had to do a report on it and I thought it was so sad what those people had to go through. So what if they were Jewish or of another race there was no reason to turture those poor people. I couldn't believe the material I had to read it made me so sad that I couldn't even read any more. But the teacher made me finish it and the details were so horrific that til this day I still remember everything I read and the pictures I saw. It made me cry. I have no respect for those who were involved in this war and it should've never happened like all the other stupid wars. When are people gonna grow up and realize that war doesn't do anything for their country and how can they stand there and watch their own people die. I'm only 19 and I believe that there should be no such thing as war. Date: Fri, 18 Apr 1997From Jennifer Elliott: jee1os@wizard.stark.k12.oh.us What happened is a horrible thing, and if we don't show future generations what happened then the whole thing could quite possibly happen again. If it does happen again it could wipe out other ethnic groups. We must take precautionary measures at any cost to prevent this from ever happening again. I am sixteen, my name is Jennifer Elliott, and at my school our History teacher is kind of afraid to let us watch Schindler's List. I think that he should let us watch it because it does depict actual happenings. This sort of thing should not be kept in the dark, but brought out into the light. Please write back and let me know how you feel about my ideas. Date: Thu, 10 Apr 1997From "robot": robot@tobor.com WHO CARES ABOUT THIS SHIT. I DON'T SEE JEWS RUNNING AROUND DECRYING ABOUT THE REST OF HUMANITY, WHO HAS ALSO SUFFERED SLAUGHTER AT THE HANDS OF MAN. 20 MILLION RUSSIANS AT THE HANDS OF STALIN. THE WHOLESALE GENOCIDE OF CAMBODIANS, WHERE ARE THE CONSERNS OF THE JEWS HERE? I'M NOT A NAZI, HITLER LOVER, A REPUBLICAN OR DEMOCRATE. AM I TO BE CALLED A NAZI LOVER CAUSE I'M SICK OF HEARING ABOUT IT? I'M SORRY TO SAY THAT THE JEWS WEREN'T THE ONLY RACE ON THE FACE OF THIS PLANET TO SUFFER AT THE HANDS OF MAN. AND FINALLY, I CAN'T RESPECT JEWS WHO HUNT DOWN OLD X-NAZIS TO HAVE THEM EXECUTED, THATS WHAT THEY DID TO JEWS! FRIGGEN HIPOCRITES, THATS NOT THE FORGIVENESS THAT YOU BEGGED OF THE NAZIS IS IT? NO, YOU'RE NO SAINT WHEN IT COMES TO MANS INHUMANITY TO MAN, ONE ONLY NEEDS TO READ THE BIBLE TO SEE THE HUMANITY OF THE JEWS IN HISTORY. AND ONE CAN READ ABOUT THE WOMEN AND CHILDREN WHO DIED IN THE ATTACK ON THE KING DAVID HOTEL. I'M NOT IMPRESSED WITH HIPOCRITES. POST THIS HIPOCRITE. Date: Wed, Apr 09, 1997From Michael Mazur, AUSTRALIA: jazzbaby@geocities.com I read in The Age 4/4/97 that Bryan Rigg said, "Tens of thousands of Germans officially classified as Jews under the Nazi Race Laws fought for the 3rd Reich." My question is, why does it take someone who, by the name, appears not to be a Jew to come up with this now, 52 years after war's end, when the Simon Wiesenthal Centre must have known about this either all along or not too many years afterwards, and decided to tell us nothing about it ? Were they hiding complicity in those activities which Daniel Goldhagen alleged characterizes all Germans? In other words how could those German Jews in Hitler's uniform have behaved differently in the field from their non-Jewish German comrades and not stood out? Date: Fri, Apr 04, 1997From Pat Wisiackas: gary.bouge@snet.net I am not a Jew, and was not even alive during the holacaust, but I am a mother of a 13 year-old daughter who needs to learn that the horror of those times did happen, and could happen again if we don't learn from the past. As a mother it is my responsibility to teach her to recognize evil and to speak out when she sees unjustice. With peace--- Date: Sun, 30 Mar 1997From Ray Robinson Family Member: robinson@mibor.net I don't really know who to address this to, but I would like to give my appreciation to the people that created this page. It helped me understand the horrors of the Holocaust more than I already had. If you're wondering how old I am, I'm 15. To be honest, the only reason why I looked at this page was because I'm doing a report. I don't have any family that was a Holocaust survivor, but my grandfather did take testimony from Polish people and submitted it to the Nuremberg trials when he was in the Army. At least some people got some justice out of this. I guess what I want to say is thank you for making a resource like this available. There are so many things on the Internet that I can't trust, but I have a feeling that this is one that I can trust. Again, thanks. Date: Wed, 26 Mar 1997From Kevin Kwasiborski: kwas@u-n-i.net I want to thank you for the information that you have provided. I live and work in a small town in Missouri, called Nevada. I grew up in a diverse area on the outskirts of Chicago. I am only 24, but I have realized that I have many more years on some of the people living here. My wife and I both teach, and we enjoy the opportunities we have. I have arranged for Cantor Leo Fettman to speak about surviving the Holocaust and living today. Your site has allowed me to talk with people about the Holocaust and WWII in a condensed version. See, I work with over a dozen people (not teachers) who do not even know what the Holocaust was. I am embarrassed and frustrated and I feel I must make it my responsibility to teach them and to allow them to understand. Again, I thank you for your information! Date: Wed, 26 Mar 1997From Roberto Gori, Napoli, Italy: rgori@mds.it What shocked me most is the indifference shown by German citizens. I'm not considering Hitler's and Nazi craziness; they've been condemned by men and cursed forever. What offends me is the excuse that ordinary Germans didn't know! How can we forget? Date: Fri, 21 Mar 1997From Daniel, Australia: dbyers@southcom.com.au I found the information in this site very disturbing. I am a fifteen-year-old school-girl and I was not aware of the things that happened before I was born. But we also have to remember that many German soldiers were simply doing their job, and we must remember to forgive the past, but not forget. Date: March 9, 1997From Kristine Peiskee: rwclague@tyler.net My name is Kristine Peiskee. I am a 29 year old single mother of two young boys, ages 3 and 6. My oldest son came home one day last week and asked about Hitler and wanted to know if anyone, and who had killed the bad man. I couldn't answer his question. Being out of school for the past 11 years, and not paying much attention in my history classes I couldn't tell him much about Hitler. I thought I had some idea of the holocaust but really didn't want to get into any kind of detail about this with my 6 year old. So, I went and rented Schindler's List. I was so incredibly moved by this film. I am not Jewish. I live in Texas, and pride myself on raising my two boys not to see or judge by color,race, or religion. This movie has left such a huge impression on me. My heart goes out to anyone who had to go through such a horrific time. I may be one of many that you hear from, but I had to let someone know how much this made an impact on me. The thought of people being treated the way they were sickens me. I would like to reach out to any survivors and let them know that one 29 year old is thinking about them, and also mourns for their losses. I plan on learning the facts and teaching my children properly. I pray for everyone and hope the best for all. Thank you for taking time to read my letter. Date: Mon, 10 Mar 1997From Kristine Peiskee: rwclague@tyler.net Thank you so much for your quick reply. I have found your album to be very interesting and I have enjoyed studying what you have on the net. I can only hope that I can instill the courage in my children the survivors showed. I feel like they really didn't have much choice, but what I have learned over the past few days has really made a difference in my life. People like you are wonderful. I can't believe there are actually people out there that are claiming the holocaust never happened. I hope these survivors have had a better lives, and never have to experience even a fraction of predjudice. I'm sure they have, but I hope it helps to know there are others like yourself and me that support them and want the best for all human life. Thank You again, If you have any information that I can look up to gently explain this to a 6 year old I would appreciate it. I did not allow him to watch Schindler's List. I do not want to expose him to such horrifying facts this early. I figure with the way the world is now he will experience it soon enough. But he is still curious and asking questions. He is a very smart little boy and loves to learn. Thanks and bless you. Date: Thu, 13 Mar 1997From Student, Unity School District: uschool@win.bright.net How could God allow such a terrible thing to happen? Date: Mon, 10 Mar 1997From: Plumbr2@aol.com Subject: What is the purpose? Why are theses memories of a war gone by being kept alive? Is the purpose revenge? Is the purpose of this to keep alive a hatred for the German people? Has anyone ever considered forgetting and forgiveness? Date: Wed, 12 Mar 1997From: PITT tpitt@pottsville.infi.net Thank you for putting such a informative sight on the internet. I, while doing a report for school, stumbled upon your sight. There is one thing that I ask you. What do you think about people who say that the holocaust never happened? A 30 year old man went to the Holocaust Museum, came out, and said it never happened. That the missing 6 million jews were a mis-calculation, and that it was only something the jews made up to make Germans look bad! What is your insight on this? I would greatly appreicate it if you could take the time to email me back at tpitt@pottville.infi.net Thank you for your time. Yours in the belief of the Holocaust, A curious student. Date: Wed, 12 Mar 1997From: Plumbr2@aol.com Re: What is the purpose? I've heard it said that we have the freedom of speech in this country so long as we are damn careful what we say. We have freedom to do most things if we have the proper permits (smile). I suppose all such things are open to interpretation. Anyway, in answer to your question as to how I would go about instilling understanding and respect for one another, and concentrating on good aspects of people or forgivness, the following are my answers: How would I try to instill understanding? Answer: Since its a natural inclination to not like what we do not understand, I would encourage anyone who was intensely critical of a country and its people to, first of all, attempt an understanding of the language, culture and history of the people. Often, surprisingly, religion has often been the cause of war. On the one hand, people say the Bible teaches us to love and on the other hand, it encourages an eye for an eye. Who's side was God on during the war? Did history teach the German people that militarism could solve their problems by uniting some 300 Germanies into one in the year 1871? Did this help to stop the threat of war such as that of Napoleon or the Franco Prussion War? Did history teach the German people that the Anschluß of Austria was not conquest, but rather, it was bringing the most prominent Germany back into the fold? There are many, many questions like this that would have to be addressed in order for us all to fully understand one another. Pointing fingers of accusation will not help. If we wish to discuss bad aspects, such as concentration camps, we should give equal time to the concentration camps such as those for the Japanese on the west coast or local concentration camps such as the one at Holridge, Nebraska. On attitudes and traits of our former enemies that we do not agree on, we must, by good example, first make sure that those particular attitudes or traits are not similiar attitudes or traits that we have. If that be the case, we must first eradicate those attitudes and traits from our own society. How would I concentrate on good aspects of our former enemies? Answer: I've always considered the Japanese as basically very clean and respectful of older people and of those in authority. Many of our technological advances in industry have come from the German people. Much of our music and literature have originated from the German people. Most enemy soldiers were there because they believed they were fighting for what was right, and because they were doing their duty for their countrry as well. We should respect them for that. If the common man obeys the laws of his land and does his duty to his country, then that is an aspect we should encourage. As members of any community, we must adhere to the laws of that land until better laws can be made. If we do not adhere to the laws of whaterver country we live in, then we are traitors in any language. You say that its not a matter of forgiveness. Answer: If either side fails to forgive the other, then we can never live in harmony. We must forgive them and they must forgive us if we are to ever live in true peace. There is nothing in the world that cannot be forgiven. Date: March 11, 1997From: Plumbr2@aol.com Re: What is the purpose? What is the purpose? If your purpose is to avoid such terrible events in the future, then your cause is a noble one and I respect that very much. I grew up here during the war and I was bullied by classmates and neighbors because of my nationality. I knew very little about the war in Europe until I was nearly grown up. It often made me angry whenever I saw someone portray all the German people as the epitome of evil and the allies as faultless. War, unfortunately, brings out the very worst in any people. As an Americian, I am just as ashamed of the bombing of civilians at Dresden or Heroshima. I am just as ashamed of those who dropped left over bombs indiscriminately on civilian targets on their way back to England. To rekindle just the evil side of such a war will only increase the anger in many of us. Why not concentrate on the good aspects of our former enemies. Why not instill understanding and respect for each other by good example, concentrating on the good aspects of our former enemies, and by showing forgivness? Date: Sun, Mar 9, 1997From Chana Luntz: heather@luntz.demon.co.uk I too thank you for the Holocaust Album. And I too would ask if you could put me in touch with the association of Dachau survivors. My grandfather left Lithuania as a young man, to see the world, and ended up going to South Africa, to join a brother who went there - They never saw their family again. We always assumed there were no survivors, because somebody would have tried to get in contact with them in South Africa. However, since the fall of Communism, the lists of the Shaveli ghetto (where my family was from) became available -and I obtained the relevant page of the list from Lithuania. To our amazement there were two names on there, living with my father's grandmother, and listed as her grandchildren. They had to be my father's uncle Victor's children. We did not know he had had any children. Thus my father discovered he had two cousins he had never known existed. Armed with this knowledge - I went to Yad VaShem, and looked them up in the Red Cross' master index - both of them were listed - and both of them, when the Shavel ghetto was liquidated, were transferred to Dachau. I checked the index and then the Dachau records they had microfilmed. The older brother, Chaim, died in Kaufering in December 1944. However, although there was a detailed record for the younger, Yechiel (inclduing giving his parents names, confirming what we already knew), there was no death record. So we are left with the possibility that maybe he survived - and since he would have been a child when the whole thing began, and possibly the only survivor, he may never have known to contact the family in South Africa. As you can imagine, we would dearly like at least to know what happened to him. Is it possible for you to put me in touch with the Dachau survivors - and/or possibly ask them if they know anything about Yechiel Luntz, of Shavel? It would be much appreciated. Date: Thu, 06 Mar 1997From Robb: robbkl@btigate.com Not many things leave a strong enough impression on a 7th grade boy that it would leave its mark even 23 years later. There are few times during my elementary school years that I can look back on as having any impact as much as this one occurance. While in 7th grade in a small town in Utah, a substitute teacher presented a social lesson on the holocaust. The films presented and the personal stories recounted have influenced me to this day...It left even the "tough guys" in our class crying. I wish such films and insights into one of the worst atrocities of modern times were manditory viewing. Alas, the politically correctness running rampant in the US, I fear, would hinder any real meaningful learning of such things in our schools today. Even at time of my view such materials 23 years ago, the teacher was reprimanded for offending the "young minds" of the children in her charge. I have been searching the web for pictorial accounts such as the one I experienced. I have found a few such sites, but nothing of which leaves me with the feelings I wish to expose others to...The sites that even now bring tears to my eyes. Date: Sat, 01 Mar 1997From Jack A. Reilly: jreilly@diamond.nb.net I have read most of the stories you presented and found them moving in the extreme. I am deeply moved by the Sugihara story and am thrilled to find a heart existed among people guilty of Dec 7, l941. I have seen about all holocaust films available on the History Channel and rewatch most to study faces of victums and try to imagine the mixture of hope and horror containned therein. I see guards faces and try to imagine how they could go at night to a home and family and possibly eat dinner and perhaps comment on their day at work. But some time back I recall a fellow coworker who had once worked in a Slaughter house and his rationalization that after a few days of acclimation you are unaware of the blood and guts. It is a partial explanation, but these weren't dumb animals. The prayers, the screams, the pleas, the stench. All this additional stimulae would require infinitly more than a few days of acclimation. Are there any testimonials of guard type people that treat of their reaction to all the above. I like the way this introduction page is layed out. It permits a quick read and encourages further exposure.Thanks. Date: Thu, 27 Feb 1997From: RadientR@aol.com Having been brought up in N.Y for most of my life, I was privleged to "inherit " and experience that sense of identity as to my" Jewishness." I moved to the Midwest to complete my educational journey in clinical psychology. Being here has definitely been an eye opener for me. It has also caused me distress to be in an area that lacks that very tradition that I depend on to be my grounding force. Here, there is really no such thing as "one religion." The people here go from church to church . . . from religion to religion . . . searching for a sense of belonging . . . a sense of roots/grounding. Having read your Album, again my faith and sense of belonging to something far older...something larger and mightier than life itself . . . my sense of G-d was renewed. Thank you for sharing your life giving hard work with us. Date: Thu, 27 Feb 97 14:57:34 PSTFrom Don Welty: welty@fishnet.net I have lived in the Philippines and Japan and then moved back to the United States. From my experiences in these foreign countries, some of which were discriminatory, I have become an advocate of civil rights. I now contribute to the Southern Poverty Law Center, and I was one of the initial contributors to the Museum of Tolerance in Los Angeles. I read the Reader's Digest article on Chiune Sugihara. Last year, I went to the photo exibit at the Museum and saw the photographs for the first time. I was pleased to see that you have taken the story of Sugihara and put it on the internet. We hear so much of Japanese atrocities during World War II, and little if anything about the moral decisions made to help people. I think that most people--like Oskar Schindler and Chiune Sugihara--are at one time or another placed in a position to make a moral decision, with results that are minor in comparison. Most would choose the expedient of turning toward a path that would help them accumulate wealth or status or continue the status quo--most all of the German Camp commandants, for example. A few make the moral decisions that cost them substantially--such as H. D. Thoreau, or M. K. Gandhi, I think we would all be better off if we took the moral rather than the expedient path. Date: Sun, 23 Feb 1997From: JillHTod@aol.com I am currently taking a college course on the Holocaust and other Genocides, and have found myself "surfing the web" for more information. Yours is one of the most informative and well written pages. I just wanted to drop you a line to let you know that the time you have put into it is appreciated and I've marked it to drop by again. Date: Mon, 17 Feb 1997From Dana Crow: dcrow@galstar.com Although I am not Jewish, I have for many years been drawn toward the atroscities suffered by the Jews. I cannot explain my interest other than my belief that we cannot forget the horror inflicted upon the Jewish people. Because I fear to forget what happened will allow it to happen again to another race, I teach my students, and my childredn about the Holocaust. In 1992 my children, my wife, and I visited Dachau. Just seeing where so much happened has made me even more aware that such things cannot be allowed to happen again. And yet very similar acts have been permitted in Bosnia and Africa nations. I do not understand how creatures of God can torture each other. As we entered Dachau, there was a group of Jewish visitors leaving and watching their grief was most humbling. I was shocked to see that Americans were detained at Dachau. I never realized that non-Europeans were imprisoned in the concentration camps. As long as I can I will continue to education my students and pray that they learn how damaging hatred can be. God Bless Date: Mon, 17 Feb 1997From rains: rains@ecetral.com I'm not sure who will receive this letter, but whoever receives this is good. I have been looking through picture's I found on the Internet about the Holocaust and they are very sad. I sit here and look at these picture's and think how disgusting a man Adolf Hitler is. How could someone even think about making an entire race go or become extinct? Do a lot of the survivor's go back to Germany to see their horror or bad dreams came alive or can they not handle it? Schindler's List is a favorite movie because the people, especially the children who don't die, are so courageous. How would one find information about learning Hebrew? I take German at school, and it is a somewhat hard language so I think I could learn hebrew. You don't have to answer this, but did the Jews not like wearing the Star Of David? How many types of Judaism are there? If you could answer some of my questions, I would greatly appreciate it. Date: Sun, 16 Feb 1997From Sharon Dobkin: iwitcoff@execpc.com Since visiting the U.S. Holocaust Museum in Washington D.C. last year, and after reading, and continuing to read, a number of books relating to what happened to MY PEOPLE, I have never felt more Jewish or more spiritually alive than I do now. Every time I see anything related, either in print or photo, to that horrible period of Jewish existence my heart goes out to the dead as well as the survivors. It also swells with pride for them and for what we always were and still are! Since FINALLY becoming more knowledgeble about my people and heritage, I am proud to be from where I came from. I can finally understand why my mother always felt the way she did about the impotence of being a Jew and raising my sister and me as Jews as well. I will be 55 years old this year and living proof that one is never too old to learn! Your photo gallery and narratives were most enjoyable to read, digest , and even savor! I'm so pleased to be Jew! Thank you for allowing me to further enjoy part of my heritage! Date: Fri, 03 Jan 1997From Leon Blauer, Montreal, Canada: orislb@smtp.Generation.NET My brother and I were very young when my mother and father succeeded in bringing a cousin to Canada. He was one of the Death March survivors. It was some time before I could understand his yiddish. Neither my mother or father would translate the story he had to tell. My mother couldn't even listen to the entire story. Even my stoic Austrian father had tears running down his face. Apparently they were in the process of digging graves, theirs, when the American tanks broke through the forest. The Germans dropped their weapons and ran. He told stories of anyone who fell, was shot on the spot. No one in the twons they passed through helped. They just stared. How strange when the war was over, none of these "good" people knew anything, saw anything, etc. Although I was fortunate to have been born in Canada, I still can't stop the tears when I read sites like yours - and I thank God for it! The worst thing we can ever do, is to forget. I stumbled across your site looking for the locations of the camps. My ex-wife and a group of her friends are going to Austria, Hungary and Roumania this spring, and want to visit a camp. I still can't find that information. Perhaps you could help direct me. Thank you, for everything. Date: Wed, 24 Jul 1996From Stephanie Tanaka: aijo@primenet.com Your website is unusual indeed. Thought provoking and intellegent, I enjoyed visiting. I am a writer who is hoping to make some sense of the Holocaust and I appreciate all the work you have done. Date: Wed, Dec 20, 1995, 23:23 PSTFrom Nikki Roth-Skiles: nikki@prolog.net First, I would like to thank you for your Web page and for keeping the memory alive. I am Jewish and my grandfather was from Mariapole, Lithuania. He came to America but most of his family was not so lucky. Many died at the hands of the Einsatzgruppen or went to camps. Secondly, is there any way for me to contact the Association of Survivors? My grandfather's sister had a son, Menachem (Menia) Amsterdamski, who was transferred from Concentration Camp Kauen to Concentration Camp Dachau/Commando Kaufering on 15 July 1944. He was prisoner No. 80830, and he died there 23 January 1945. I guess I just would like to communicate with someone who was at the same place if they would be willing. It would mean a great deal to me, and I would like to tell his sister who is also a survivor of another camp. Date: Fri, Dec 22, 1995From Nikki Roth-Skiles: nikki@prolog.net I would like it very much if you were to post my message. It would be wonderful to get a response. I will be writing to Mr. Ganor within the next day or two, and you can't imagine what it meant to me to get his address. My grandfather came to America alone at the age of 13 in 1893. One of his brothers and one of his half-sisters also came. The other six remained. My grandfather died when I was 1 year old (the same year my mother died). My father died when I was 19, and I never knew much about his family. I decided I needed roots. I started to search, and it is a very long story, but I found my grandfather's one sister, Chaja, living in Israel. From there, I found out about the rest of the family (people I never knew of). Menia (Menachem) was Aunt Chaja's son. The family has rarely spoken of their experiences and I understand that - partially from reading Elie Wiesel and from hearing him speak. I had written to him a few times, and he understands and has encouraged me to seek and to write of my family - even offered to help me have it published because he believes in what I am doing. There is something in me that needs to know more - to find those who died in some way so they live on. In blood, they are so close, yet I never knew them. I sent to the International Tracing Service, but the only one they were able to trace was Menia. The rest I have never been able to find anything about. I can't thank you enough for what you have done. I guess from this note, you can understand what it means to me. Thank you again. Nikki Roth-SkilesDate: Thu Dec 5, 1996 From: EBlaszc102: @aol.com In your introduction there is a blatant omission, that of the Poles who were executed at concentrations camps by the Nazis. Their numbers far exceed that of homosexuals and gypsies. My uncle was at one of these camps, in addition all of my mother's family was forcibly displaced to Germany, including my father and several of his brothers. If you are truly seeking to expose the horrors of the Nazis, be sure to mention all of the victims, otherwise, it appears that you are only interested in promoting the fact that Jews were victims. Which is inaccurate and those who are aware of the truth will resent you. Date: Thu, 19 Sep 1996From UW Student Madison: MMCstudent@students.wisc.edu I visited Dachau this past summer and the summer before (1995). Your web page was a different approach that I think a lot of people don't get to see. The survivors included my uncle, a German who opposed Hitler. My family, from Munich doesn't talk about the war, so the details of his turmoil is vague. I'm haunted by the reality of stepping on the same grounds where so many have lost their lives. Continue the good work. Date: Sun, 15 Sep 1996From Scott Epstein: SEpstein@gnn.com My father, Wes Epstein, was with a patrol out of Second battalion, 255th infantry regiment, of the 63rd infantry division, and was the first in this sector to enter the camp at Landsberg. The approximate date was April 29th, 1945 (uncertain). To zero in the date Dad offers that the stronger prisoners executed a towns official, possibly the Bourgemeister. My father is proud of the fact that he was the first Jewish person to enter the camp in search of the Nazi dogs, and was disappointed when an inmate told him that the German soldiers had left two to three hours earlier. Dad would like confirmation of these facts, He had been in contact with a resident of Landsberg and had a rapport with this person until mentioning the above incident when the correspondence came to an abrupt halt . . . There was no intelligence available indicating the existence of any camps on the designate Ed route this day, and the discovery was quite shocking to all on this patrol, When Dad called in the discovery on his radio he was advised to hold the position and wait to be picked up to return to his outfit, This is the first time in his many patrol activities that he was offered chauffeur service. If you are interested in this experience my father will be more than happy to discuss it with you in great detail. From: Dachs1a@aol.comDate: Fri, 2 Aug 1996 I just happened upon your site while surfing the net . . . Thank you for enlightening me regarding this important event. I lived in Bad Toelz for 15 years as an Army Brat. My father was stationed there with the 10th Special Forces after the war and I was born in Munich (My mother was German, from the Aachen area). As a youngster growing up in the area, I was aware of Dachau (and visited it during an outing from Munich High School), and of the Holocaust, and had some vague knowledge of the march. But, I did not know it went through or near Bad Toelz. Having grown up there and many of my closest friends were civilian Germans, no one mentioned it in all that time . . . either were not talking or honestly did not know. I think it is very important to share these events as often as possible so that we keep the realities of how evil man can be to his fellow man, and spread the word for the hope that this will never again be repeated . . . anywhere in the world. Again, thank you for sharing this story in history . . . ![]() ![]() ![]()
Copyright © 1997-98 Ron Greene
Revised 3/15/98 |